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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

DIY Ofsted: New Guidance for Subject Reviews

On June 9 2010 Ofsted published draft guidance to be used on 'Subject Survey Visits'. These are subject visits by specialist Ofsted inspectors. The outcome is a letter containing the findings and judgements of the inspector. This letter is published on the Ofsted website. Such visits contain judgements about the subject in terms of:

* achievement;
* quality of teaching;
* quality of curriculum;
* effectiveness of leadership and management;
* overall effectiveness in the subject.

This draft guidance provides details of the subject specific criteria and grade descriptors that inspectors will use. Guidance is provided for all subjects. The value of this is that it provides a very useful template for schools and departments to use in their own self evaluation. Many schools now have a cycle of departmental reviews. This guidance will be useful to co-ordinate practice and to align judgements from subject to subject and with the broader Ofsted, SEF criteria. You can access the art guidance directly from this Ofsted site You should note that this guidance is in draft only and is part of a consultation programme. If you would like to comment reply to by 31 July 2010.

It is expected that the final guidance will be published in October 2010.

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